Nunc Pro Tunc Required to Collect All Signatures Again

Whitman Legal Solutions, LLC

Our son is the fourth generation to play a violin made in the early 20th century by Prague luthier Janek (John) Juzek. Although based upon its age our son'south instrument likely came from Juzek's own shop, in his later years, Juzek was an entrepreneur, too equally a luthier.

Juzek noticed that in that location was a loftier need for string instruments in Northward America. Juzek engaged area luthiers to brand instruments for him and exported the instruments to North America to be sold under his label. In addition to providing an income stream for European luthiers, Juzek's foresight and initiative resulted in creation of a multi-generational company. This company is at present existence managed in the U.s. by John'due south bully-grandsons.

While Juzek'south entrepreneurism is worth of an article of its ain, when researching Juzek's history, I constitute it interesting to read that he backdated the labels in his instruments. They included his own proper name but a completion appointment about five years earlier than the actual date the musical instrument was completed.

Information technology is unknown why he might have done this, but I have my suspicions. Violins "mature" with age and playing, so a violin that is a few years old might exist more desirable than a brand new one, which hasn't yet been "broken in."

Another, less likely, reason for Juzek's backdating is to increase its antique value. In addition to having value as musical instruments, many violins take value as antiques. Although musicians purchase an musical instrument based upon how it responds and sounds, an older instrument might have greater value to a collector than a brand new 1, simply considering it is old.

Backdating violin labels was not uncommon, and it was not illegal. Nevertheless, backdating legal documents is some other matter. Backdating legal documents is frequently permissible. However, under other circumstances, it can exist fraudulent or illegal.

This article discusses when legal documents might be backdated and how legally to practise so when it is appropriate.

Beginning with the Latin–Nunc Pro Tunc

Despite common belief, backdating documents is not necessarily illegal. In fact, information technology has been permitted for so long that there is a Latin phrase, nunc pro tunc, describing backdated documents.

Nunc pro tunc, which translates to "at present for and then," is well-nigh commonly seen in Court orders. Withal, the doctrine can utilize to other circumstances in which a law or certificate applies retroactively.

Why Backdate a Document?

Sometimes a document must be backdated to brand it accurate. For example, suppose that a vendor begins supplying its product under a proposed contract, but to afterwards discover that the client never signed the contract. In this instance, inserting the engagement on which the parties began performing under the contract is more authentic than inserting the actual engagement of signature.

Other times, the parties may enter into a transaction orally "on a handshake," with the intention of inbound into a written agreement later. Once many years ago, one of my clients needed to borrow $1 million money urgently. Much to my surprise, a benevolent lender wired the funds to the client with no loan paperwork in place but with the expectation of receiving a promissory annotation later.

The $1 one thousand thousand promissory notation I prepared for that client to evangelize to its benefactor, backdated to the actual date the funds were wired, was legal. Information technology was created to document or memorialize a previous oral understanding to repay the funds.

How Is Backdating Accomplished?

Perhaps the most common form of backdating is "as of" dates. Often, the outset of a contract will state it is entered into "as of" a certain date. Use of the phrase "as of" should be a red flag that the appointment is not necessarily the date on which the contract was signed. Rather, it is a date on which the parties have agreed that their contract will be constructive. The "every bit of" appointment may be before or after the actual engagement of signature.

Some contracts brand this clearer than others. Many contracts will ascertain the "as of" date every bit the "Constructive Date" (not to be confused with the execution date). Others volition even will take an "every bit of" clause that makes the possibility of backdating even clear by stating:

"This contract is dated as of August 31, 2018 (the "Effective Date"), even though the parties may have executed it before or after said date."

An "equally of" date is non the simply way that parties tin disembalm that they are backdating a certificate. In a contract or resolution, the recitals[one] tin tell the story, including the backdating. Consider the post-obit sample:

WHEREAS, on or nigh June xxx, 2018, the parties entered into a non-binding Proposal describing the terms on which Buyer was to buy certain supplies from Seller; and

WHEREAS, on or most July 15, 2018, Seller began selling supplies to Buyer nether an oral understanding based upon the terms described in the Proposal; and

WHEREAS the parties now want to enter into this Contract, to be dated as of July 15, 2018, memorializing the parties' oral agreement and incorporating additional terms set forth in the Proposal;

This language makes it clear to anyone reading the written contract that information technology has been backdated. It as well explains why the contract is beingness backdated.

Although information technology is not technical backdating, ratification is frequently used in the corporate context to provide nunc pro tunc approval of an activeness. When a corporate lath ratifies a contract or other activeness previously canonical by the officers or even by someone otherwise not authorized to take action, the issue is like to backdating. The corporation is like-minded to be spring by an activeness prior to the engagement of it actually being approved.

When is information technology Illegal to Backdate a Document?

Yet, backdating documents can be illegal or even criminal. If backdating document misleads a third political party or gives a fake impression about when an action was taken, information technology may be fraudulent. The parties' intentions are also of import when evaluating whether backdating is legal.

If, in the vendor example above, suppose that the salesperson presented a contract on December xv with products being supplied starting on Feb 1. Suppose that the client signs the contract on Jan 15, but the salesperson asks the customer to backdate it to December 30 so that the salesperson would have higher sales for the calendar year and receive a larger bonus. That backdating would be intended to mislead and would not be appropriate.

In some other example, imagine a landlord who does not want to lease an apartment to a minority applicant. The landlord finds a non-minority tenant and backdates that tenant's signature in order to claim the not-minority tenant leased the flat before the minority applicant'south research. That backdating may be illegal because information technology was intended to mislead the minority applicant and to facilitate the landlord's unlawful discrimination.

A document which is backdated in order to obtain a more favorable legal result as well is probable to be illegal. For instance, if a document is signed in Jan but is backdated to December in order to obtain a detail revenue enhancement benefit, information technology likely is illegal and may be criminal.

A document which is backdated in guild to avoid a legal penalty too is likely to be illegal. Suppose that an health-care facility is required to verify that all employees accept received TB tests and influenza shots. The facility places an employee in service without verifying those medical items and later learns the employee did not have a flu shot. The employer should correct this oversight. But, it would be illegal for the employer to administer the flu shot and backdate the date of the vaccine to the employee's starting time day of work.

Using the $1 one thousand thousand loan case from above, nether different facts, the backdated note might accept been fraudulent. Suppose the client had intentionally planned non to sign the promissory note because it had told its joint venture partner that the funds were an equity contribution that did not have to exist repaid. In that instance, although it would be proper to document the loan via a promissory note, the underlying transaction could accept been part of a plan to mislead a third party.

How to Assure Your Backdating is Legal

There are no "bright line" tests for legal backdating. Simply, following are some questions parties can consider when evaluating whether their backdating is legal:

1.      Why are the parties' backdating the document?

2.      Could a tertiary political party by harmed by the backdating?

three.      Is either party receiving a special benefit or avoiding a detriment due to the backdating?

4.      Was the document backdated to comply with (or avoiding having to comply with) any law or regulation?

5.      Is the backdating disclosed in the certificate?

If the respond is not clear after answering those questions, at that place is what I telephone call "gastrointestinal law"–does it feel right? If the parties do non feel they are doing the right thing or there is dubiousness about whether it is right, then they should add disclosure of the backdating or reconsider that strategy altogether.

As with violin labels, backdating legal documents tin can be lawful and even advisable. It is upwards the parties to a document to assure that their intentions are honest and that the backdating does not harm third parties or run afoul of legal requirements. Where there is doubt, strong disclosure of the backdating the document itself tin be helpful in address any lingering concerns.

[1] For more detailed information nigh the importance of contract recitals, read my article entitled Recitals.

This series draws from Elizabeth Whitman's background in and passion for classical music to illustrate creative solutions for legal challenges experienced past businesses and real estate investors.


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